It’s Snowing! 2/7/14

We woke up this morning to a very “fogged in” looking day.  I was thinking the smog level must be really high.  Checked the air quality app, and the reading wasn’t that high.  Got up and looked at the street and realized it was snowing.  It wasn’t smog.  This is the first moisture Beijing has seen since August.  It’s a really pretty scene.

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Judy hadn’t really noticed yet, but when I told her, she began to worry about catching a taxi on a day like this.  She pushes to be out the door early.  There’s no sense finding out it’s problem, and she’s headed for the street by 6:50.  No problem getting a taxi, and traffic isn’t bad yet either.

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I fiddle around the apartment with odds and ends, spending much of my time organizing our iPhoto.  I eventually make it over to the Marriott to swim.  I call Judy after her Annie rehearsal.  She’s beat and ready to come home.  I head back, arriving long before she does.  I have time to cook some pasta and even start eating before she walks in.  She’s not in a “cheery” mood.  It was dark when she left school, and she was by herself.  Walking out of the school was icy and treacherous, and guess what……no taxis!  Several times, someone jumped in front of her when one did stop.  She was whopping mad!!!!  She finally wrangled one, but was ready for a weekend when she got home.  Unfortunately, this weekend she has an Annie rehearsal, so the weekend is only one day.

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