Last Day At Beckham (Judy) 6/9/13

Last day at Beckham Elementary
Last day at Beckham Elementary

School is out and we have officially retired from teaching in Texas.  It was mentally and physically exhausting to close out our classrooms and say goodbye to colleagues, and for me very sad.  Beckham Elementary has been my home for a long time and I will miss seeing my friends.  I couldn’t believe I was walking out of the music room for the last time!

We are both relieved to have a small break from school duties, but there is still a lot to do to get ready for our move.  Getting the proper visas involves quite a bit of paperwork, but our schools in China are helping us with it.  There are also lessons to prepare and training to attend.  In spite of all that, we plan to relax and enjoy living in downtown Ft. Worth for the next few weeks!


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