Catching up and a market visit, 4/5/14

Today is going to be a “catch-up” day.  Judy has lots of class planning to do.  There is a grade report coming up, and that always requires posting comments on each student’s “wiki” (individual internet site).  For someone like Judy, who’s teaching Pre-K through grade 8, that’s a lot of kids, and a lot of individual comments.

For me, I have a lot of blog writing to do.  I really haven’t written since March 27.  That’s over a week of activities.  Also our iPhoto needs to be organized with all our new pictures from Hong Kong.  I have to make sure all our photos are downloaded from my phone, Judy’s phone, the iPad, and we also used our small digital Canon camera.  Then I need to get them into one “event”, and start getting rid of duplicates and the bad photos.  It a fun job, but it sure takes a lot of time.  When I’m finished with them, I want to be able to access them quickly, be able to tell what day the pictures were taken, and where we were when the photo was taken.

Later in the afternoon we go to a market we haven’t visited since the first week we were in Beijing.  When we visited the first time, we were overwhelmed with the move, and couldn’t take it all in.  There are lots of fruits, vegetable, nuts, and meats, as well as seafood.  It requires a short taxi ride, or a long walk, and wasn’t convenient, when there were closer markets we could access.  We buy some really nice fruit and nuts.  Unfortunately, we also found a bakery, so we came home with a large loaf of fresh bread, some cookies, and a couple of croissants.  It tastes great, but not so helpful on our weight-loss program.  Oh well.


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