A new week, and lots of chores, 5/5/14

Judy heads back to BISS, staring ahead at a full week of school. My job today is to take her passport, with the new residence permit (for 2014-2015) and get her a new temporary residence permit. I walk over to the police station, and the registration process proceeds without incident. Next, I hike to the subway station and travel to Sanlitun for lunch. After listening to Judy talk about the Moka Café yesterday, I decide that’s my lunch destination for today. I enjoy a really good steak and avocado wrap.

After lunch, I walk to a nearby China Unicomm office. I purchased local service and a simm card for our iPad in August and it ran out on May 1. It’s time to figure out how to renew or update it. The clerk was able to help me figure out how to pay additional monies for the service @ 80rmb per month (about $13.50 monthly). I buy enough ahead to last through July of 2015. I figure whatever decision we make about returning, we’ll at least be around in July.

As I leave the Unicomm office, I pass by a crepe shop. I’m in need of a small caffeine boost, so I sit outside on the terrace and have a crepe and some coffee for a “pick me up). It’s never boring watching the unique characters walking around the streets of Beijing. After the snack, I head out to the train and the Marriott for a swimming session. After swimming, it’s back to the train, and a visit to the grocery store for some milk for breakfast tomorrow. It has been a full day of walking and train riding, but I got quite a bit accomplished.

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