No more students, 6/12/14

Today is the last day with students at BISS. The morning is a series of student parties, followed by an awards assembly, and the dismissal around noon. Now comes the fun of finishing all the room prep for painting this summer, etc. There is lots of packing and stacking to be done.


Seemed like a good time to post a picture with a rainbow. This was taken from our apartment.

Earlier this week, BHSFIC sent an email asking if I could teach one more day, and today is the day. It’s an easy day with only one class. I hang around afterwards, and enjoy talking with everyone during lunch. I’m reminded that one of the Chinese teachers has a wife expecting their first (and only) child this summer. I ask if he knows if it’s a boy or girl, and he talks for a while about not having a preference. I saw later in the newspaper a report where several medical clinics had received severe fines for revealing the sex of babies before they’re born. Apparently a few years back, it was fairly common for a family to terminate a pregnancy if it wasn’t a boy (since families only are allowed one offspring). There were a few years where many more male babies than female babies were born, so the government had to make an adjustment.

Back home, I had lots of plans about swimming and TT, but the couch called and I celebrated the end of my teaching year with a long nap. Judy gets home around 7:30. She has many loose ends to tie up, and won’t be able to go back next week and finish (family is coming to visit). Normally she would plan on 3 or 4 full days of getting everything put away, and planning/organizing for the 1st week of school next year.

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