Friday, 8/4/14

For me, it’s back on the bike and another trip to the table tennis club. I play with an entirely new group today. While I’m playing, I notice one of the players from the park near UHN has walked in. I had played against her a few times, and she could speak just enough English to allow some very rudimentary conversation. Using a Chinese/English phone dictionary, we had spent some time conversing at the park in May and June.

I guess she plays at this club occasionally. At the end of the morning, we renew our “rough” conversation. She has questions about the US, and when another player sits down, we talk about her daughter who’s a student at Duke. The more I come over here to play, the more familiar my face will be to the regulars, and the more accepting they’ll become. Ultimately, I just want my table tennis game to improve. Just like anything, to get better, you need to be exposed to players at a higher level.

Headed back home later, I stop at a Subway for lunch. After lunch, I pick up some milk at a local grocery. Riding back to the apartment, I stop to get the low front tire on the bike filled up with air. There are several guys scattered around street corners in the neighborhood with portable shops, set-up to work on bikes. They open up their trailer with parts and tools, and wait for business to cruise by.

Judy calls around 6:00 to let me know she’s headed to Homeplate BBQ in Sanlitun with a group. Dom and I meet, and end up taking the train. The traffic is so backed up on our street, a taxi would have taken forever just to get to the 3rd Ring Road. As we finally walk up to the restaurant in Sanlitun, I get an “oops” text from Judy. The group is at the other Homeplate BBQ, nearer our apartment. Dom and I eventually get to the new location, and we enjoy a great evening of good food (burgers, cheese fries, etc.), and interesting conversation.

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