Back to grind! 11/ 13-14 / 14

THURSDAY, 11/13/14

Today marks a first for Judy in Beijing. She had to miss a school day. She makes the necessary calls, and posts her lesson plans, and gets back in the bed. She’s not running any temperature, so we’re figuring it’s food poisoning, related to some yogurt. She ate it, and I didn’t.

I leave for school prepared for a long day, with Orchestra Club after school.  The classes go well, but as I’m talking to the students, I realize that several of them have a meeting after school and won’t be attending the club. With the prospect of a greatly reduced attendance at the rehearsal, and Judy home sick. I decided to call off the rehearsal, and head back to the apartment to help Judy if I can.

When I get home, Judy is sleeping. The nausea hasn’t returned, but she’s really weak. We try to get some more crackers and sprite into her, and they stay down. We’ll see how school works out when she wakes up tomorrow.

FRIDAY, 11/14/14

Judy heads out to BISS, feeling much better. Because it’s a short week, there’s no assembly, so no choir performance today. There is still a full day of classes, though. When she finishes the day, she’s beat!

My classes go well. I hang around for lunch, and then visited with some of the teachers about their holiday travels. Two of the teachers went to Hong Kong. A couple of the others went to Bangkok. It’s always fun hearing about their adventures.

Back at the apartment, Lilly is buried with all our laundry from Shanghai. She eventually finishes, but it’s after 6:00 pm before she leaves. We’re so spoiled, having her clean everything, do the laundry, and then finish off ironing everything. We’ll definitely miss this luxury next year.


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