Big Program Day! 12/12/14

Today is a big day for the BISS elementary music department (Judy), and students. The annual Xmas program is a huge hit. Judy has done her usual masterful job of putting together a program where every student, in every grade level, gets a chance to perform. The program features a variety of costumes, props, and instruments. It’s short and sweet, and leaves everyone wishing for just a little more, which is exactly what she wants. I’ll try to post a picture or two of each group.


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After school we start putting together our stuff for the trip back to the states. It’s always a challenge to pack everything we need to take back and fit it into two large bags, and our carry-on. There’s lots of selecting and folding and cramming, etc., etc., etc.

Before Judy left school, Shannon discussed possibly coming over to eat some pizza. Dom, her husband, is out of town, and with school out for Xmas, she needs someplace to wind down after her first semester as the principal. No matter where the school is located, a principal is always dealing with parent issues, and Shannon had her share of them today. We make a plan, and begin our packing while we wait for her call. She had stuff to finish at school before getting out the door.

We work vigorously at our packing, and never heard from her. Judy sent a text, and didn’t get a reply. We tried to call, and she didn’t answer? I finally ordered pizza, but we’re pretty curious where she is. The pizza arrives, and we continue packing and eating (we’ve got a bunch to do tonight). Finally around 7:45 pm, there’s a knock on the door, and Shannon walks in with a great story, a true TIC (this is China) story.

She left school around 5:30. As she tries to hail a taxi, she calls to tell us she’s on the way, and her phone shuts down. She has no more minutes left. Like Judy, Shannon has no idea how or where to get a phone card, or how to input it, even if she did. This is “husband duty”, and Dom is in Australia, and has been for a week. She can’t even call anyone to find out how. It takes her 45 minutes to finally get a taxi, and the 3rd Ring Road traffic is terrible. 15 minutes turns into 45 minutes.

When she finally gets to UHN, and walks into our building, she realizes she doesn’t know our apartment number. She knows how to find it when she gets off the elevator, but has no clue what floor we’re on, and no ability to call and ask. She can only remember we’re on the 15th floor or above (we’re on the 25th floor). So….., 10 floors (and doors) later, and lots of questioning looks from the apartment dwellers below us, she found us. We all have a huge laugh, and enjoy some more pizza.

We get a recap of her day and parent dealings, and then she heads home, hoping to find out from Dom (via Skype) how to load her phone. We’re up pretty late finishing our packing. Our 1:30 pm flight tomorrow isn’t particularly early, but one never knows what problems will be encountered when trying to get a taxi. The bulk of the packing needs to get finished tonight.

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