Some work on the musical, and sorta Birthday time, 1/ 30-31 /15

FRIDAY, 1/30/15

For myself, today started with my usual morning of stretching, breakfast, and swimming. Back at the apartment, I worked a little on the computer, and waited for Lilly’s mom to arrive to begin cleaning. When she arrived, I traveled over to Metro for grocery shopping and lunch. Lunch was at Subway. After lunch I made all my regular Metro purchases, lunchmeat, pasta, cereal, Diet Coke, etc. I caught a taxi back to UHN where I unloaded all the refrigerated items, then waited for Lilly’s mom to finish. The more room I give her, the faster she is. She does a great job!


Metro is decorated for the Chinese New Year!

Judy has musical rehearsal after school, then comes home, worn out after a really full day. We’ve already begun the countdown for Bali (two more weeks).


These are some flowers Shannon had for Judy’s birthday at school today.

SATURDAY, 1/31/15

Judy leaves around 9:00 am for the musical rehearsal. She’s looking forward to getting a lot accomplished, as well as getting it “over with”. It is a good rehearsal, and the students are beginning to realize it’s getting closer. Some of the elementary school students are participating in a scene or two. Today is their first day, and having waiting parents in the audience “raised the level” for the older students.


A birthday cake from the faculty working on the musical. It provided a nice break.


I pretty much wasted the day. Water got in my right ear when I was swimming yesterday and I couldn’t get it out. I tried a blow drier, and then used some alcohol to help dry it out. I didn’t have much success. I may end up visiting a doctor over this. It’s probably wax buildup, and they’ll have to scrape and squirt water in to break it up. I’m not looking forward to that.

Today is officially Judy’s “60th” Birthday! Because of the rehearsal, we’ll celebrate tomorrow. Some “Grey’s Anatomy” episodes, and microwave popcorn will have to suffice for celebration today.

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