Where did my year go, and a cooking attempt that almost worked! 3/ 3-4 /15

TUESDAY, 3/3/15

Judy’s working hard, keeping herself focused on the musical performances this weekend. As might be expected, all the staff and students are “feeling it”, referencing the tension of the looming performances. I’m sure it will come together, but right now, few of those involved would place a bet on “success”.

I get in another day of swimming, and narrow down my class plans for the weeks ahead. According to the calendar, I have 7 weeks (2 class days each week) before the mid-term exams. After the mid-terms, the 11th graders begin an adjusted schedule of heavy tutoring for AP tests which take up the first two weeks of May. After that, they begin a 3-week session of intense SAT tutoring, culminating in the SAT test on Saturday, June 6. In more simple terms, I won’t have any classes to teach after April 17, until June 11, almost a two-month break. Then I teach Thursday and Friday that week, and I’m done! Any material I want to deliver to them had better get done really soon. This is the true definition of “part-time”.


Today, after school is the “dress rehearsal” for the musical. But before that, Judy has to go in and teach a group of elementary teachers a dance for a Library/Book Assembly next week. If she wasn’t earning her salary before, she definitely did today.

I’ve been looking for a time to try my hand at “wok cooking” again. It’s been a couple of months, and I’ve been avoiding it because of the mess I tend to make. I’ve got some chicken, and an open day, and Thursday and Friday are class days for me, so today is it!

After swimming, I go over to the wet market and buy snow peas, tomatoes, peanuts, and several types of peppers. While the chicken is thawing I do all the prep work. I’m not working with any kind of recipe, just a list of vegetables that could be included. The stir-frying begins with reasonable success. I end up with a chicken/vegetable dish that’s not too bad. I’m not ready for “Iron Chef”, but I can eat it with some pleasure.

I proudly dish it out to Judy when she comes in, too tired to appreciate the grandeur of the moment. I don’t think she’s even listening to me as I tell her about my day. Is this “role reversal” or what? Her “dress rehearsal” went reasonably well, and the end is in sight.

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