Panjiayuan or bust! 3/15/15

Judy’s ready for a recovery day. The weather’s so nice, we decide to go out and do a little sightseeing. I’ve seen a lots of sections of Beijing that she hasn’t. It’s a perfect day to visit the Panjiayuan Antique Market.


I guess this guy takes his bird everywhere on his bike?


Judy’s beginning to “warmup” her bargaining skills. She still starts too high. I’ll keep training her, but she’s a tough study.

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We weren’t the only ones with the idea. The area is really crowded, beginning with the traffic. When we finally get into the main area, there a so many vendors. When I was here before, it was a weekday, and cooler. We have fun checking out items we might want to bring back to the US. I found a kite I can begin practicing my “flying technique”, so when I get a really good one, I’ll be able to handle it. Judy found a couple of rings she couldn’t walk away from. We found a few things we would’ve bought, if the price had been right, but it wasn’t, so we had to walk away. There were rows and rows of jewelry and beads, and almost anything anyone would want. I guess this might be considered a Beijing version of the “Canton Market” (as in Canton, TX).


We found some lamps we like, but we just don’t know where they’ll fit in our new “digs” in Ft. Worth.

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