TUESDAY, 8/20/13
Our ayi (maid) is returning today, so I’ve got to get some supplies and make a decision about a vacuum cleaner. It’s a nice morning as a head out. I walk about a mile to an appliance/electronics store. One thing I hadn’t been able to see from the road driving by was that the building was being renovated, so it’s closed. I turn around and head back to Carrefour, the grocery/housewares store nearby. I need a few groceries anyway, and they do have a selection of vacuums, and the blank cd’s I’m also supposed to pick up.
I settle on a vacuum, grab some groceries, and head home. I get things unpacked and put away, and start duplicating 40 CD copies of the music for the BISS Elementary Choir before Lillie arrives. She hits the door running, and the apartment looks great when she leaves 4 hours later. Everything seems so much more like home when it’s really clean.
Judy comes in tired and frustrated. She’s a “newbie”, and teaching is the easiest thing she’s done all day. The technology and paperwork is confusing, and like most schools, finding who to go to when you need something, seems like you’re chasing your tail. Pre-K is still not under control, but a few things “clicked” today in class that may work out for the future.
Dinner is sandwiches and chips. I found some Tostitos and Ruffles today in the grocery, and we are “chowing down”. I’ve got to quit buying chips (they sure taste good), and get back to a better diet. More apples/grapes and fewer tortillas and cheese would be a great start.
WEDNESDAY, 8/21/13
I spend most of my day “pitching” ideas to myself about what I want to teach and how I’m going to approach the class. About the time I’ve got a plan figured out, I get another brilliant idea or direction. I basically have nothing by the end of the day. Some calls and emails from BHS4, and I find out my classes will be Wednesday and Friday. I’ll be teaching two classes each day of 30 students each. My ASA (After School Activity) will be Wednesday. I’ve also requested speakers and some type of device to play the music with. I’m not sure what I’m going to have in the classroom.
Judy had fun with her Elementary Choir at their first rehearsal today. The students were excited and learned quickly. They’ll have one more rehearsal and then perform at the assembly, Friday, Aug. 30. The principal and a few teachers drop by while the group is rehearsing. They are “over the top” impressed. For Judy, it’s just “business as usual”. Her day ends with a faculty meeting followed by more additional training for the newbies…….YEA!
It’s an interesting dynamic when she gets home. I’ve been talking to myself all day, and need to bounce my ideas off someone. She’s been talking music and teaching all day, and well into the late afternoon. After the “newbie” meeting, she’s wants to “bounce something off someone, and she isn’t talking about ideas”. I decide I might get a better “read” on my ideas some other day, so it’s “CNN World” and off to bed.