Settling on some of our extra stuff, 6/9/15

I did the morning omelets, worked a little on the computer, did a swim session, and ate lunch. The afternoon was LAZY! I killed time fiddling with things around the apartment, and planning for the packing next week, but basically LAZY!

Judy had a “girls night out” after school with a small group of BISS faculty and some others who used to teach at BISS. Everyone was talking about their summer plans and where they were teaching the following year. It’s so different in the international teaching world when teachers change jobs. So many times, they are moving from one country or culture to an entirely different country/culture, possibly on the other side of the world. It’s hard for me to wrap my brain around it sometimes.

One of the things we’ve been working on was getting rid of the miscellaneous items we’ve accrued during our stay here. A BISS faculty member (Greg, from Poland) is moving in to our apartment in August, and wants most of our stuff. We’ve been working out how to divide up everything. Some of it, we planned to sell, and other pieces, Judy wanted to give to friends. We’ve worked on a list and he was scheduled to come by and leave some things (he’s leaving to return home to Poland on Saturday), and look at the stuff we’re hoping to sell him. It’s 9:00pm before he makes it by. I gave him the list and the prices, and he’ll get back to us tomorrow on what exactly he wants. I would’ve never thought our dryer would be so tough to get rid of. No one wants a clothes dryer? I can’t stand to put on clothes that have been hung up around the apartment, but to each his own.

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