MOVING DAY! 6/17/15

MOVING DAY! The movers arrived right on time and went to work. They were done in two hours. It was an easy process for them with all the work Judy did in advance preparing our stuff. All our clothes were pre-folded (thanks to the ayi), and wrapped in plastic bags, ready to be boxed. They finished up with 39 boxes. We had an estimate of 6 cubic meters to ship and it was close. The insurance ran our costs up considerably. I probably set our prices high, but I didn’t want to get short-changed if we do have a problem when it’s delivered. BISS had prepaid a large portion of the shipping, but the balance came from us.


Before the shippers arrive.

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We were beat when they finally left, but our ayi was coming in for the afternoon to clean up. We couldn’t really relax too much without getting in her way. Everytime she comes in these days, we’re pointing out things for her to take, and what stays.

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The “foodie” group from my school was meeting for dinner at the Taco Bar near Sanlitun. I left early enough to go by the bank and get some more currency exchanged. Dinner was so relaxing. It was a beautifully cool and clear night (it had rained really hard in the afternoon). We ended up with 6 in the group, sitting out on the deck. Lots of discussion of summer plans from everyone as well as goodbyes. Every time I leave a location these days, I’m reminded I probably won’t be back. I try to savor every moment as we exit our home of two years.


As I walked over to the train, after a rain, the river was WAY up. This is highest it’s been since we arrived in Beijing.


Last trip to the Taco Bar. We’re out on the deck, which sits next to the Homeplate BBQ deck.

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