“BISS on the Road”, Chapter 2, 10/7/13

Judy is out with 2nd graders for the next four days.  It’s “BISS on the Road”, chapter 2.  The group visits a park less than 5 minutes from the school.  Judy said it was beautiful.  It was full of seniors, exercising, doing Tai Chi, playing table tennis, and ballroom dancing.  The students’ IB project is “Community” so they’re checking out local activities, parks, and events.  There was a small stage and a group of retired musicians were performing excerpts from famous Chinese Opera on traditional instruments.  It’s not planned or scheduled.  They just get together and play for their own entertainment.


BISS 2nd graders, “On the Road”, with two of their teachers, Roger (US), and Summer (China).

Park.students drawing

Art project in the park



Retired musicians performing in a local park.

Next, the group takes a bus over to the “Lama Temple”.  Judy says it has the biggest Buddha she’s seen since we’ve been here (no pictures allowed).  The students observe visitors burning incense and praying.  They finish the day seated out front, drawing the temple.


Confucius statue, gifts hanging on fence in front

Lama Temple.inside

Lama Temple.incense

Incense burning and prayers outside the Lama Temple

Lama Temple.Gate

A gate outside the Lama Temple

My day is spent planning for the BHSFIC “orchestra” club.  It’s tough finding something for a group like this to work on.  The performance levels are so varied.  I’m looking for music to challenge the better musicians, but not scare off the weaker musicians.

I go out on an errand, looking for a pan to make omelets.  We bought eggs, peppers, tomatoes, and Canadian bacon yesterday.  I just need something to cook it in.  We also need mustard and none of our regular grocery stops have it (yellow mustard that is).  Carrefour is just down the street, but I haven’t been there since early August.  The prices are high and it’s crowded.  When we first moved here, Carrefour seemed a long walk.  I laugh at myself as I walk it today.  My sense of distance has sure adjusted to my situation.  I find a pan that will work great, and also the mustard.  I walk back and get ready for an evening of vegetable prepping, “Hulu”, and “Newsroom”.

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