Ikea Delivery, 10/13/13

We get up fairly early (sixish), and take care of several odd jobs around the apartment.  We’re expecting the Ikea delivery between 9 & 12.  In the US, that usually means closer to 12, than 9.  Judy heads to the shower around 8:30, and three minutes later, the doorbell rings.  Ikea has arrived.  One guy shows up with all the stuff and his tools, and goes to work.  He’s finished and gone with all the extraneous cardboard & packing by 10:30.  Now it’s our turn (or in reality, Judy’s turn).  She knows where she wants it all, and spends the rest of the day, placing and adjusting all our stuff.  Usually, my biggest contribution is staying out of her way.  It looks great when she’s finished!

furniture 3

new storage area for misc. everything that won’t go anywhere else.

furniture 2

This is mostly my shirts/sweaters, and all our coats.

furniture 1

Ikea chest, jammed full of Judy’s clothes


I mostly fiddle around with my computer, trying to figure out how to expand an instrumental quartet into an arrangement for the BHSFIC “orchestra”.  I’ve got “Finale”, and “Photoscore”, two programs that should make it easier, if I can figure them out.  Theoretically, I should be able to import a PDF copy of the music I want to use into Photoscore.  Out of Photoscore, I can save it to a file that Finale can read.  After I upload that new file into Finale, I should be able to make a score, transpose and copy parts, and get them ready to pass out to the students.  This should keep me from having to manually write out 10 different parts.

Late in the afternoon, I decide to walk over to Metro for our weekly Diet Coke cache.  It’s really cheap and it’s a 2-liter 12-pack.  Metro also has grated cheese, and tortillas (Mission brand).  When I’m eating at home, I love my comfort foods.  When I get home, we cook up some chicken breasts, and make chicken/vegetable soup.  It’s great!!!!  We enjoy it while we watch the BBC “Sherlock Holmes” on Hulu.

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