McLaren Monday, 11/4/13

The week starts off smoothly enough with Judy’s departure for school.  I decide I’m getting a haircut and buying groceries.  I get the haircut scheduled and head out.  It takes about 45 minutes, combining the train and walking.  I needed the exercise.  Enroute, I spot a car dealership I’ve never seen before, McClaren.  There are two really exotic looking vehicles inside.  I tried to go in and get a better picture, but a guard inside the door, and a receptionist both indicated NO.  So a picture through the window will have to do.

Mc 2 Mc 1

Since we’re talking exotic transportation, I decided to include a picture of a loaded bicycle.  It’s actually an e-bike running off a battery, loaded with a wide assortment of “who knows what”.  We see bikes like this all over town, but they’re gone before I can get my camera out.  It’s not a great picture, but maybe enough to figure out it’s a bike.  This one has a medium load.  I’ve seen a few few loaded so heavy, they would have problems getting under an interstate overpass.


The haircut is without incident.  The stylist is so meticulous.  He keeps cutting on little spots here and there.  The best part is the shampoo/head massage that occurs before and after the haircut.  It’s a good haircut, but a way better massage, and it happens twice.

After the haircut, I stop and get groceries when I get off the train. I thought I knew better, but I loaded up two really heavy bags, and then had to carry them ½ mile to the apartment.  Maybe I’ll learn what’s reasonable by the time we leave Beijing.

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