BISS Elementary Choir Performs! 11/9/13

The BISS Elementary Choir is performing this afternoon at the Rotary Club Holiday Bazaar, in the Kempinski Hotel.  There is also a morning track meet for grades 1,2, & 3 at the school, attended by several other international schools.  The faculty is earning their money today.

Judy has been bringing home bags of instruments and props for several days in the taxi.  There was too much to bring home in one trip.  Since the students are meeting at the hotel, Judy had to have the stuff here at the apartment so we could take it directly to the hotel ourselves today.  We go to the hotel early to make sure about the stage and sound system.  We need to ensure the iPod will connect to the sound system they’re using.  Everything seems to be in order, so we have time to shop at the bazaar a little.  Judy finds some great earrings and I get some good travel info from a company with a table at the bazaar.  I’m always looking for some new travel destinations.  We need a place to visit during the April break.

One of the sales tables at the bazaar.  That's Judy on the left, checking out the earrings.

One of the sales tables at the bazaar. That’s Judy on the left, checking out the earrings.

We travel back to the apartment and load up all the instruments and props.  Shannon, BISS faculty member meets us, and helps with the carrying.  We pile the stuff and ourselves into a taxi, and head back to the hotel.  We locate the meeting room, set-up the “assembly line” to pass out the stuff to the students, and wait for them to arrive.  After everyone arrives, they warm-up a little, walk-thru and pick up their equipment, and line up.  Each student has a scarf, hat, bell, antlers, tone chime, and jingle bells.  The little kids are really loaded up.


Getting organized in the lobby.


Warming up!

I’m running sound, so I have my own level of anxiety.  If I mess this up, after all the great planning by Judy, I’m going to be “dead meat.”  Fortunately, I get it right, the kids perform great, and the whole thing is huge success.  Many of the faculty members from BISS, as well as her principal, and the Head of School attend.  It was a proud moment for all of them.  The students look, and sound like a “well-oiled machine.”  Judy’s organization and programming skills pay off with huge dividends, again!


Yes, that’s me in the background, watching for subtle clues from Judy on the sound (too loud, too soft, etc).


Shannon – introducing the group!


Judy – hard at work! Some of the BISS faculty members are in the background.

Rotary11 Rotary7 Rotary6 Rotary4 Rotary3 Rotary9

After the program, we get the chance to celebrate with Judy’s principal, Kyra, her son and daughter, and Shannon also joins us.  We eat at Tube Station Pizza, in the Solana Mall.  The pizzas are huge and the flavor is really good.  I almost wish I hadn’t discovered this location.  It’s too accessible for me in weak moment.  I don’t need to eat like this, but it sure is fun! 

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