Normalcy Sets In, 11/19/13

Not much to talk about today.  It could be considered boring, compared to many of the days we’ve experienced here.  Judy’s activities at school are humming along.  Each Friday, on a rotating schedule, one of the elementary grades (grade 1, grade 2, etc.) has the responsibility of organizing an assembly.  They are supposed to be showing, through video and other means, the areas of study they’ve been working on.  It always includes a song or two, and the teachers usually ask Judy for a little help preparing their music.

She enjoys helping the teachers.  The only problem she has is the quality of the songs they select.  The teachers are looking for music specific to their assembly focus, and many times, the songs are terrible.  Bad lyrics are forced on top of a bad melody, with an even worse accompaniment (or they ask her to make up an accompaniment).  Many times, she’s convinced she could find better music that would meet the subject area demands.  She’ll get the message to them eventually, but she doesn’t currently have the heart to tell them how bad their selection is.  A few more bad songs, and I think she’s going to find “the heart” the tell them.

I just worked on our finances a little, and did some class planning.  When Lily showed up to clean around 2:00, I walked over to Metro to do some grocery shopping.  BORING! 

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