Train Musings, 11/22/13

Judy, the newly crowned “Clue Queen,” heads off to school fully loaded.  She has her school bags, computer, etc., as well as her suitcase for the trip to Shanghai.  She actually gets away a few minutes earlier than usual.

The trains are really crowded.  Sometimes all you can do is grin.  I’m tall enough that my head is above the fray.  I don’t know how the shorter people do it on these really crowded days.  When the train door opens, there’s a short break from the crush, usually followed by “sardine packing”, as people cram into the doors, not wanting to wait for the next crowded train.  When the doors close, people start jockeying for position so they can exit at the next stop, or they’re moving away from the doors so they don’t get swept out when it opens at the next station.  There’s some really good bumping when you’re near a door and people are trying to get by.

I get back to the apartment around 1:30, and promptly take a nap.  When I wake up, I start planning the weekend and going through some loose ends on my emails.   There’s a new update/upgrade for “iBank,” the software program I use for all our banking, etc.  I’m feeling brave so I “go for it.”  Everything loads smoothly and all the info moves smoothly from my older iBank program.  I close it down, and that’s when the problem starts.  The file won’t save?  Huh?  I try several things, but no luck.  My only option is to wait until 10:00 pm, when the online chat line opens.  Fortunately, the tech help is quick and successful.  The program opens, and closes (also saving) easily. 

Judy calls and checks in.  They arrived and enjoyed a scenic drive from the airport into the city.  The hotel is nice, and she’s looking forward to a relaxing weekend, with no threats from a “Clue” killer.  I believe it’s bedtime!  It’s a big day tomorrow for me with the faculty dinner at BHSFIC.

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