We’re facing another day of working hard at this tropical vacation. I think we’re up to the task. Judy has decided she’s going to begin to organize our photos and videos into something that’s manageable, and won’t wear out our family and friends. I wasn’t sure early in the day what I would be doing, but have noticed a ton of golf bags coming in and out of our hotel. After a little checking, I realize there is a really good course across the road, designed by Robert Trent Jones, a renowned course designer. Guess I’ll have to walk over and check it out.
I guess I knew what I was about to do, because I threw some socks in my backpack, just in case I decided to play. I decided to play. It was beautiful. I had to rent clubs and shoes (left my tennis shoes in Beijing), and buy some golf balls. This course has carts, unlike the two courses I played in Beijing. I also had a caddie. There was plenty of sand and water to create problems, but I was able to steer away from most of it. I only lost two golf balls. I ended up shooting a “91”, 19 strokes over par. Considering I was playing with rented clubs, hadn’t played since October, and didn’t warm-up, I considered that a pretty good score. I’ve shot a lot worse in much better circumstances.

A 221 yard pard 3? I actually ended up on the front edge, 5 feet off the green with my drive. After a terrible chip and a bad putt, I finished with a bogey.

The caddies are checking whether the group in front has cleared. Should there be stuff so high you can’t see the fairway?
When I got back to the hotel, we had moved to another room. Our first room was at the end of the hotel building, since we arrived so late the first night. Many of the weekend guests had checked out, and we requested a room more centrally located, and higher (better view). It was definitely an improved view. Judy spent the rest of her time sitting around the pool area, working in our iPhoto and iMovie stuff.