Pre-K “Fun on the Road”, 9/23-24/14

TUESDAY, 9/23/14

Judy’s Tuesday activity with Pre-K “BISS on the Road” involved activities on campus, so she was busy, but didn’t have to travel.  Her biggest job was teaching a song about family, and then recording each student doing a little solo.  I went with her to school, and then taught the beginning band woodwinds.  Back at the apartment, I prepared a huge pot of vegetable soup for dinner.  I think the “health ratio” goes down when I eat so much of it.

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 WEDNESDAY, 9/24/14

 Wednesday, Pre-K went back out on the road to visit the home of one of the students.  They got stories, snacks, and playtime.  How could life be any better.  I came to BISS later in the morning to teach the instrument class.  After class, Judy was back from her student trip, and we ate lunch in the local neighborhood Chinese restaurant.  Back at the apartment later, I had huge intentions of riding the bike and playing table tennis, but I didn’t.  I just couldn’t get going.  Maybe some other day?




If you’ve ever heard us talk about the young kids wearing “split pants”, this is what we’re referencing.

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