“On the Road”, and “Les Mis”, 9/22/14

Judy starts “BISS On The Road” this week, helping with the Pre-K class. Today’s activity is a visit to the apartment of one of the faculty members at BISS. The students had a blast playing in the home and climbing around on the bunk beds.


Ruta, the Pre-K teacher looks fresh as the week begins


They couldn’t get the door unlocked for awhile.

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All the elementary grade levels are participating in different activities all week long. The 3rd and 4th grade classes are going out camping for a night, staying in tents and everything. Those teachers have way more energy (and courage) than I can imagine.

I did my weekly grocery shopping at Metro and the wet market. After cleaning up, I took the train over the BHSF Main Campus. We had received an email about performance of the English musical version of “Les Miserable”. Really? As the music teacher at BHSFIC, I thought maybe I should attend, and check out what they were doing. The program started at 3:30. I arrived at 3:00 pm, met some of the other faculty from school, and settled in for the performance.

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We’ve completed 3 weeks of school. I guess their production has been working on this all summer. The performance was two and one-half hours. They sang the entire show in English. It was performed with pre-recorded music, and they did a great job of catching all the musical cues. Some of the cues were really tough. They had great sets, and lots of interesting lighting and visual effects. I keep thinking how hard it would have been to flip the scenario, and have a group of English speaking students perform a work of this magnitude and difficulty in Chinese. It was quite an accomplishment! Very entertaining!

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