Frustration abounds! 12/2/13

My day is uneventful.  I get up around 6:00 am, do my stretches and exercises, and eat breakfast.  I spend a little time writing on the blog before I walk the mile over to Metro for my weekly grocery stop.  When I get back, I spend some prep time for my classes this week, and Judy arrives home a little later.

Her day was less satisfying.  She has a program Friday.  Her choir is singing at a Renaissance Hotel Christmas Tree Lighting.  The choir is prepared and the kids are working hard.  Judy’s frustration is with the bus request system.  She’s been working on it for over a week now, and it’s still not resolved.  As with everything else she does, she reads the instructions, completes the paperwork, turns it in, and waits for verification.  Then she gets the usual: 

Why did you use that form?  That’s the wrong form.

Why did you send it to him/her?

Do you have your account number?

Do you really need 2 buses?

We’ve changed to another form.

The money should come from another budget!

Etc., Etc., Etc.

She’s been in several offices multiple times trying to get it right, and keeps getting the run-around.  None of the written instructions are correct.  No one will take the “bull by the horns”, and solve it.  They just keep sending her in circles.  Then, when the paperwork is completed and awaiting final approval, it sits on someone’s desk for 2 or 3 days?  She’s not a happy camper tonight!  How can such a small school have so much red tape?

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