Some new sites visited, 12/3/13

Judy’s bus issues are solved.  Thank goodness!  She called and let me know that all approvals were done and the buses are scheduled.  WHEW!  She also successfully turned in all our travel paperwork and forms for reimbursement  half the taxes that have been deducted from her salary.  It’ll sorta be a Xmas bonus.  Not sure when we’ll get it, but it’s completed and “in the pipeline.”

I work on class ideas, and then decided to buy tickets for Swan Lake, by the Kiev Ballet Company.  It’s in January, but I’ve wanted a better look at the NCPA, the National Center for the Performing Arts.  I jump on the train, and arrive at the site.  The train has a station that unloads into the basement of the Center, so it’s an easy commute.  I get the desired tickets, and walk around a little, checking out the facility.  Without purchasing a ticket for a tour, I really can’t see much, until the evening of our show.

After my brief walk-around, I decide to walk by Tian’anmen Square, and the Forbidden City.  We haven’t taken an official tour, but I can’t come to the US, and not have at least laid eyes on these places.  They’re next door (it’s actually a pretty long walk, the blocks are really big around here).  I go through an ID checkpoint, first, and then later, my bag goes through an x-ray machine.  There’s a lot of security in the area.  The British Prime Minister has been here for two days, and VP Biden is coming in tomorrow.  The Chinese don’t want to take any chances on protests, bombs, etc.

Tian2 Tian1

It’s quite a sight.  Tian’anmen Square is huge.  There are visitors everywhere, but the site is so big.  Very impressive!  I finish up, and walk further down the road to Wangfujing Street.  It’s a famous street where you can eat scorpions on a stick, snails, pig entrails, donkey meat, and many other delicacies?  It’s really interesting, but for some reason, I’m not hungry this afternoon. 

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