I have a really full day of activities scheduled for today. I’m meeting some of the guys from BISS (James and Mark) at the Chaoyang Golf Club. It’s a 9-hole course. We have a lot of fun. It’s always interesting to play with a caddy, after years of schlepping my own stuff around a course, either on my back, on a pull-cart, or in an electric cart. They mark balls on the green, clean clubs and golf balls after each hole, provide yardage that’s accurate. Unfortunately, even with all that help, you still have to hit your own shots. I wasn’t great today, but I wasn’t awful, either.

It was a pretty day on the golf course
We finished at 11:45, and I hurried home. I ate, showered, changed clothes, and left the apartment by 12:45. I have a rehearsal at 1:30 with some of the BHSFIC Orchestra Club students. I take a taxi instead of the train because I’m running a little late, and I’m carrying my clarinet and a folding music stand, along with my full backpack. My plan is to leave them at school, and bring home the flute.
When I arrive, around 1:20, I get the flute out of the cabinet I’ve been using to store my school stuff, and head up to the auditorium for the rehearsal. There are four students today. We have a decent rehearsal on the arrangement I completed. It’s fun to talk to them about their summer experiences. Three of them went to the US for summer academic camps. After rehearsal, they tell me they’ve decided to rehearse Monday, as well. I head downstairs to lock up my clarinet and the music stand, and the entire teacher’s office area (8 desks, 6 cabinets, and all the stuff) has been moved for cleaning. I try to find where the cabinet went (it’s only been two hours), and no one seems to know. I finally give up and head home carrying everything I brought over, plus the flute.
Back home, Judy has stayed busy walking the neighborhood, checking out the two nearest mall areas. She’s looking for baby gifts for upcoming showers for BISS faculty. She had some luck, but is worn out. I’m tired myself, after walking the golf course and traveling over to BHSFIC and back. Dinner is delivery from “Avocado Tree”. It’s a copy of “Chipotle”, and we fully enjoy the evening watching Scandal, and eating our “Chicken Bowl”.

Grocery shopping at BHG in Capita Mall

One of the “kid play areas” in Capita Mall. Up on the 3rd floor there are several places like this where kids can play, for a fee.